Wednesday, April 28, 2010

African Independance.

Africa has changed so much in the past 40 years. Many countries in Africa were recently founded. this was do to African Independence. Some of the influence of the Independence came from a British imperialist named Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes was British and conquered Africa. And named some of the States after him like Rhodesia, and even a dog named after him! But after the influence of Independence the Africans renamed the state of Rhodesia to Zimbabwe. This took place in 1970, African Independence took place way before this in 1955. There were a few leaders in Africa to gain their Independence. Kwame Nkrumah the first prime minister, and later the President for life. He planned economic projects, and build new roads and schools! Expanded health facilities for people, all this to spread African Independence, by setting an influence!

1 comment:

  1. Hi David, your map indicates that RSA became independent in 1931. It was actually 1961. It became a union in 1910 and a republic in 1961 if I am correct.
